Term and Conditions

Visitors from any part of the world are eligible to access or use this website. Their access depends on our General Terms & Conditions and attached Privacy Policy. So, before internet users explore this site, they must read the information illustrated on this page. It is mandatory to respect these terms and policies without restriction or reservation. Therefore, your connection with this site indicates that you have accepted all the terms and conditions before heading forward. Read about them in the section below.
- About Us
Our website, ”The Being Educated,” is a News Entrepreneur Website covering the news from the fields of Business, Entertainment, Fashion, Gaming, News, Politics, Sports, and Tech. It provides you with everything, including ongoing political scenarios, sports moments, gossip from the field of fashion and entertainment, the latest market trends, and much more. By registering on our website, the visitor agrees to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, which makes an integral part of our service. Global users can access this platform at thebeingeducated.co.uk.
- Access to our Platform
Users can access our platform 24/7 with an active internet connection. Without the internet, the page will not be available. Moreover, you will require a username and password to operate a few sections of this Site. Each user needs unique information to log in to their accounts. This information is reserved so that no other user can use it to log in to their accounts. Each visitor accessing this platform forms a global community of The Being Educated platform users.
- Intellectual Property Rights
This website exhibits information made available by other visitors. The primary structure of this platform, its pictures, and all other elements are the possessions of the Publisher and its associates. This property includes various content such as texts, documents, logos, photographs, sounds, videos, transitions, projects, and submitted contributions. Each visitor must consider the intellectual property rights of this website, its content elements, and third parties’ property rights. You may face serious consequences for committing a criminal offence, and it ends with paying for the damage done.
- Safety of Your Personal Information
As you access this website, you grant us the authority to obtain, hold, process, and transfer your personal information as mentioned in the Privacy Policy. However, our administration is not authorised to use it for commercial purposes. We expect the users to refrain from undermining the confidentiality and security of personal data concerning other website users. No user is authorised to access the information & emails of another user without their permission. However, the strict need justifies any request of the publisher to transfer their details. The administration processes them privately, following legal restrictions.
- Rules of Code of Conduct
- Rules of Conduct
All visitors access and use this platform by accepting its Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Each individual must regard the rules of IT ethics and avoid committing any criminal, legal, or cybercrime offence. The publisher holds the authority to remove the illegal content shared by the visitor on the site of The Being Educated.
At the same time, the user also has the authority to legally challenge the publisher’s action of exploiting his publication, which takes 24 hours to publish online. This duration remains indicative as the publisher secures the right to provide extra time to ensure optimal service operation.
- Code of Conduct of the Publisher
The publisher has the right to modify the data available on this site if he observes any mistake. Moreover, he is authorised to amend the unverified and inaccurate information at any time (but it still needs to be confirmed). Visitors must be aware of online scams. The user himself will be responsible for the circulation of illegal data, but not the publisher. The publisher can interrupt, temporarily suspend or alter the content to ensure maintenance.
- Code of Conduct of the User
- Hypertext Linking
This website may feature hypertext links to other platforms whose content belongs to partners of third parties, not the publisher. Once you click these links, you will land on another website. The publisher reserves the authority to create or delete a link to the presentation page of this site. Moreover, the publisher is not responsible for any activity committed by such platforms.
- Startup Product and Service Test
The publisher doesn’t hold any responsibility in the framework of products and services received by the visitors from the publisher to carry out service tests.
- Cookies
The website will place one or more cookies containing the user’s personal information on his hard drive. This step ensures the identity of the user. A separate cookie is reserved for each user.
- Newsletter
While agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, the users subscribe to our newsletters. They show their conscience by doing so. These newsletters may feature information and offers received from our associates or customers.
- Right of Modification of the General Conditions of Use
Only the publisher reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Use and the Confidentiality Policy at any time. No one else has that authority. Publishers can use this authority to implement website changes without prior notification.
It shows the visitor’s compliance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, regarding information technology, files, and freedoms. The updated date will come out soon. The users must visit their most recently updated version. You access this website, which indicates you have accepted the amendments made.
- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
Contact Us
Visitors can contact the publisher for any query about the General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and others via info@thebeingeducated.co.uk. Leave your questions, suggestions & recommendations, or feedback in this email. Ensure you have provided a valid